Technology and Software Reputation Management Services

Technology and Software Company Management That Positions Your Brand for Success

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Do you want to gain customer trust while protecting your brand and its future success? Proactive management of your company’s reputation is the key to safeguarding your company's image.

Today, the world is driven by devices, and information travels faster than you can imagine. That means that the public can make or break your technology or software company’s online reputation in seconds.

Information can be accessed from anywhere, at any time, and by anyone thanks to social media, review platforms and online tech forums. One bad review or public controversy can turn into a reputation crisis before you know it.

At NetReputation, we’re experts in reputation management strategies for tech and software companies. Whether you’re launching a startup or managing an established tech company, our comprehensive services will monitor, manage and guide your brand’s online presence.

Technology and Software Reputation Management Services

Technology and Software Reputation Services: What We Offer

Technology Software Online Monitoring

Online Monitoring

To manage threats to your company’s reputation, you have to know what’s being said about it online.

Online monitoring keeps a close watch on your digital footprint. We’ll know the moment your company is mentioned in:

  • Articles and blog posts
  • Review sites
  • Social media posts
  • Tech industry forums

Dealing with problematic content right away can prevent larger crises and minimize long-term reputation damage.

At NetReputation, we have robust tools for online monitoring and social listening. While you can use Google Alerts on your own to learn about brand mentions as soon as they appear in the SERPs, we have advanced ways of monitoring your presence online, assessing sentiment, and always being on top of brand-related conversations.


Review Management

Everyone loves reading positive reviews of their business, but negative reviews are the ones that you need to focus on.

Consumers use reviews and conduct online research to form an opinion of your brand and decide whether or not to invest in your products and services.

Even one harmful review can turn away numerous potential customers. It can also be difficult to remain professional when others are spreading misleading or untruthful information about your business.

However, remaining neutral and considering your company goals is necessary to protect your online reputation.

NetReputation’s review management services help you find and appropriately respond to all sorts of feedback while maintaining a consistent voice and message. Our goal is to help you find a solution and deliver stellar customer service so that your brand image remains positive.

Technology Software Review Generation
Search Optimization and Content Suppression

Search Optimization and Content Suppression

Even when you address negative articles, reviews and other online content directly, they have a tendency to stick around the SERPs.

By creating, curating and promoting positive and neutral brand content, you can suppress unwanted content so it’s practically impossible to discover in search results.

At the same time, you’ll highlight your company’s value so that customers see the brand image you want to put forward.

Once negative content is suppressed, you’ll have an even easier time showcasing your company’s achievements, benefits and innovations. Not only will you attract customers, but you’ll also draw the attention of industry influencers and thought leaders.


Crisis Management

Technology and software customers are among the most computer-savvy ones out there. That advanced knowledge of the internet and tech means that user-generated negative online content can get out of control fast.

For many companies, there’s no warning that a PR crisis is right around the corner. With so much of your client base and target audience using the internet at all times, the growth rate for an online crisis is lightning-fast.

At NetReputation, we work with tech and software companies to prevent and navigate PR crises. Our process involves the following:

  • Identifying current and potential threats to minimize impact
  • Communication management during and after the crisis
  • Streamlining recovery efforts to repair your reputation ASAP

Online criticism and controversy are known pitfalls of running a technology or software company today. Thankfully, having a crisis management plan in place makes your company resilient if the worst happens.

Crisis Management

Our industry-leading reputation solutions enable tech and software brands to protect their online image and achieve success

Online reputation management is critical for tech and software companies. The unpredictable environment online means you need an ORM partner that can predict threats, manage crises and defend your company at all times.

At NetReputation, we’ll work with you to customize a strategy that will protect your brand image and help you grow your business.

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